
Management of Mediterranean Pine forest for Optimizing carbon and water balance under climate change.

The Main Goal

To optimize the management of Mediterranean pine forests by enhancing carbon and water balance, thereby addressing climate challenges through an integrative approach that combines tree ecophysiology, forest management, biodiversity conservation, and ecosystem modelling.

Optimizing Mediterranean Pine Forests Under Climate Change

Mediterranean pine forests play a crucial role in maintaining the ecological balance and resilience of their ecosystems. Under the PineOptim project, our mission is to pioneer innovative strategies for managing these forests to maximize their carbon sequestration and water-use efficiency. By integrating state-of-the-art ecophysiological research, robust forest management practices, and advanced ecosystem modeling, we aim to enhance the adaptive capacity of these forests in the face of escalating climate challenges. Our approach not only supports biodiversity but also ensures the sustainability of these invaluable ecological resources for future generations.

Key Focus Areas:
- Ecophysiological Research: Understanding the adaptive mechanisms of pine species to optimize forest health and productivity.
- Forest Management Practices: Developing and implementing management techniques that balance ecological sustainability with resource utilization.
- Biodiversity Conservation: Promoting biodiversity to enhance ecosystem resilience and functionality.
- Ecosystem Modeling: Utilizing dynamic models to predict and manage the impacts of climate change on forest carbon and water cycles.

By addressing these critical components, PineOptim endeavors to protect and sustain Mediterranean pine forests, ensuring their critical ecosystem services endure amid the shifting climate.

Integrated Climate Resilience and Forest Management

The PineOptim project is dedicated to fostering a harmonious balance between forest ecosystems and the changing climate. Our integrated approach combines cutting-edge research with practical forest management strategies to ensure that Mediterranean pine forests not only survive but thrive under new environmental conditions.

Our objectives focus on:
- Climate Resilience: Enhancing the capacity of pine forests to withstand and adapt to the stresses imposed by climate change. This includes improving their water-use efficiency and carbon sequestration capabilities.
- Sustainable Management: Applying science-based management practices that support long-term ecological health and productivity of forests.
- Stakeholder Engagement: Collaborating with local communities, policymakers, and stakeholders to implement sustainable forest management practices that are both effective and socially inclusive.
- Data-Driven Decision Making: Leveraging comprehensive data collection and ecosystem modeling to inform management practices and predict future forest dynamics.

Through this multifaceted strategy, PineOptim facilitates a balanced coexistence between human needs and environmental conservation, ensuring the preservation and enhancement of these vital ecosystems for future generations.

Educational Workshops

As part of the PineOptim project, we are planning a series of future educational workshops aimed at engaging diverse stakeholders and disseminating vital knowledge on Mediterranean pine forest management. These workshops will be pivotal in:
- Sharing Research Findings: Presenting upcoming results from our ecophysiological studies, ecosystem modelling, and forest management research.
- Demonstrating Best Practices: Showcasing effective management techniques that enhance carbon sequestration and water use efficiency.
- Engaging Stakeholders: Creating platforms for interaction and collaboration among scientists, forest managers, policymakers, and local communities.
- Enhancing Skills and Knowledge: Offering hands-on training and knowledge transfer to foster a deeper understanding and implementation of sustainable forest management practices.
- Promoting Collaboration: Facilitating discussions and partnerships to drive collective action in addressing climate change challenges.

Planned Workshop Topics Include:
- Introduction to Forest Ecophysiology: Gaining insights into tree physiology and its practical implications for forest management.
- Climate-Smart Forestry Practices: Strategies for managing and optimizing forests under changing climatic conditions.
- Ecosystem Modelling and Data Analysis: Techniques for simulating forest dynamics and interpreting environmental data.
- Community Engagement in Forest Management: Best practices for involving local communities and stakeholders in sustainable forest efforts.
- Innovations in Forest Conservation: Exploring the latest advancements in biodiversity conservation and ecosystem sustainability.

Stay tuned for announcements on dates and detailed agendas for our upcoming workshops. These events will provide valuable opportunities for learning, collaboration, and advancing the shared goal of optimizing Mediterranean pine forests for carbon and water balance amid climate change challenges.
By participating in these future workshops, stakeholders will be better equipped with the knowledge and skills necessary to contribute to the sustainable management and conservation of these vital ecosystems.

Key Areas of Impact

title="Lesvos pine forest">

Ecophysiological Research

Understanding the physiological responses of Mediterranean pines to environmental stressors to enhance forest health and resilience. 

title="Xanthi sample plot - gradual establishment of broadleaves">

Forest Management Practices

Developing and implementing sustainable management techniques tailored to optimize carbon and water balance in pine forests. 

Climate Resilience

Enhancing the adaptive capacity of pine forests to withstand the impacts of climate change.

Biodiversity Conservation

Promoting species diversity within pine forests to strengthen ecosystem resilience and functionality.

Ecosystem Modelling

Utilizing advanced models to predict forest dynamics and guide effective management decisions. 

title="Lesvos sample plot - temperature/humidity sensor">


Implementing robust data collection and monitoring systems to track forest health and inform management practices.

Policy and Stakeholder Engagement

Collaborating with policymakers, local communities, and other stakeholders to support sustainable forest management policies and practices.

Education and Outreach

Disseminating knowledge through workshops, publications, and community engagement activities to foster broader understanding and participation in sustainable forest management.

Events of Interest

ForestSAT 2024

Scion and ForestSAT look forward to welcoming you to Rotorua, Aotearoa / New Zealand on 9th - 13th September for the Association for Forest Spatial Analysis Technologies Conference.
This will be a conference you don't want to miss! You will experience the manaakitanga (hospitality) of the people of Aotearoa and the unique geothermal landscape and scenery Rotorua is famous for. Equally important as the location will be the opportunity to attend stimulating presentations demonstrating new tools and technologies that drive the science forward.

18th Panhellenic Scientific Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society

The 18th Panhellenic Conference of the Hellenic Botanical Society (H.B.S.) will take place from 2 to 5 October 2024, in Thessaloniki at the Centre for the Dissemination of Research Results (KEDEA) of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
The central theme of the conference addresses the urgent need to apply knowledge and research results on a global scale, particularly focusing on the restoration of plant diversity in a rapidly changing world. Biodiversity faces severe and widespread pressures. One of the most critical pressures on plant diversity concerns climate change, the impact of which has been documented to increase rapidly. The recent adoption of the European Nature Restoration Law constitutes a milestone for the conservation and management of plant diversity in Europe. However, its effective implementation requires the active contribution of all fields of Botany.
Along with research results related to the central theme of the conference, the 18th Panhellenic Conference of the H.B.S. warmly welcomes presentations covering a broad spectrum of topics within the field of Botany, both basic and applied.

FLARE 2024 Annual Meeting

The 10th Annual Meeting will take place in Rome, Italy from October 3-7. The opening reception will be held on the 3rd, parallel sessions and plenary events will be held on the 4th, 5th and 6th, and optional workshops on the 7th. As FLARE celebrates its 10th Anniversary, we will assess the past while looking to the future of forests and livelihoods, as we invite reflections on the theme of the event, “Imagination and Innovation.”
Other sub-themes include forest landscape restoration: challenges and opportunities, social justice in the forest: Rights, power, and collaboration, and data and methods for understanding forests and human well-being.

UN Climate Change Conference

The Government of Azerbaijan will host the 29th Conference of the Parties of the UNFCCC (COP 29), with a view to building on previous successes and paving the way for future ambition to effectively tackle the global challenge of climate change. The meeting comprises the twenty-nineth session of the Conference of the Parties (COP 29), the nineteenth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol (CMP 19), and the sixth session of the Conference of the Parties serving as the meeting of the Parties to the Paris Agreement (CMA 6).
Conference dates: Monday, 11 November to Friday, 22 November 2024. Location: Baku Stadium, Baku, Azerbaijan

5th European Conference of the Ecosystem Services Partnership Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health

This year, ESP hosts its 5th European conference under the theme Ecosystem Services: One Planet, One Health. The theme refers to the question of how the ecosystem services concept can address the challenges involved in delivering the global vision of One Health. It highlights the interdependence of human health, animal and plant health, ecosystem health, and the health of the global environment.
The theme aligns with international commitments under the Global Biodiversity Framework and is at the heart of the sustainable development goals. These goals can only be achieved in a healthy and fair economic system that takes the full value of nature`s contributions to human wellbeing into account.
Ecosystem services science can greatly contribute to addressing various sustainable development and global health challenges, and presents a great potential for scientific partnerships across domains and for driving transformative change. ESP is the leading global community in the field of ecosystem services. ESP Conferences serve a vital function for this community, by providing space for knowledge exchange, networking, and innovation. At the 5th ESP Europe conference, we aim to put a special focus on two thematic streams: a) Ecosystem services and health, and b) Ecosystem services and conditions for transformative change. The streams are inspired by the overarching conference theme and will feed into the conference output and takeaways in different ways – with a unified purpose of scaling up the positive impacts of ecosystem services research. Of course, as always, there will also be ample room for session proposals that do not fit neatly in the layout of streams and conditions but do address relevant topics for the ESP community.
The conference will take place on 18-22 November 2024 in Wageningen, the Netherlands. The 5th ESP Europe conference will be an in-person conference to provide an enriching experience that allows attendees to fully immerse themselves in the conference, interact with speakers and engage with other participants in real-time. However, we will explore options to livestream the plenary sessions and possibly other virtual program elements.

Get in touch with PineOptim

We will be glad to answer any questions you might have.

Project Coordinator - Scientific Manager: Professor Kalliopi Radoglou


Total Budget: 400,000.00 €
Funding: Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation HFRI
Project Code: 83200
Project Coordinator - Scientific Manager: Kalliopi Radoglou
Start - Completion of the Project: 01/02/2024 - 31/12/2024

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